Starting point for the “Inow Asia” project, about sustainable water management in Southeast Asia

Around thirty people from European higher education institutions and universities in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are taking part in the virtual kick-off meeting of the project on 25 and 26 February. The cooperation project Inow Asia: Development of Innovative multilevel formation programs for the new water leading professionals in Southeast…


The UB Solidarity Foundation will share its knowledge in water resources management with six universities in Southeast Asia

It will be part of the Inow Asia project, whose main objective is to contribute to the postgraduate training of universities in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam in the field of water. The Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (UB) takes part in the project Inow Asia: Development of Innovative…


The EdiCitNet project plans an open session in Girona to tackle the transition towards the Edible Cities of the future

During the seminar, which will take place on October 25, experts from all over the world will debate nature-based solutions for building sustainable and socially resilient food producing cities. FREE REGISTRATION Representatives from H2020 Nature-Based Solutions projects, local food-related initiatives and experts from all over the world will be sharing…
