The UB Solidarity Foundation participates in the following projects financed with European funds:
Food Includes: reaching, recruiting and engaging excluded learners by harnessing the power of food (2023-2026)
Include Me +: Inclusion, Participation and Peacebuilding through Mediation in Digital Media (2023-2026)
STEAMigPOWER: STEAM approaches at higher education for mIGrants, refugees and asylum (2022-2025)
SMILE: Social Meaning Impact through LLL Universities in Europe (2020-2023)
INCLUDE ME: Inclusion through Mediation (2020-2022)
UNI(di)VERSITY: Socially responsible university for inclusive societies in the era of migration (2019-2022)
RESCUE: Refugees Education Support in MENA countries (2016-2019)
inHERE: Higher Education Supporting Refugees in Europe (2016-2018)
SOLLAGUA: Promoting Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Water Reuse in Southwestern Europe (2024-2027)
LIFE4ZOO: Water resources management in visitor attractions – FIT4USE water recirculation technology (2023-2027)
INOW ASIA: Development of Innovative multilevel formation programs for the new water leading professionals in Southeast Asia (2021-2024)
EdiCitNet: Edible Cities Network (2018-2023)
WANASEA: Water and Natural resources in South-East Asia (2017-2021)
MAREMA: Master Water Resources and Environmental Risks in African Metropolises (2017-2019)
Our Memories And I (2017-2019)